Hotel Terms & Conditions

Check-in and check-out 

  • Guests may need to present a form of identification and fill out an arrival form
  • Guests will need to pre-register for early arrival
  • Guests will need to return keys and vacate rooms by 11am unless arranged with hotel. Failure to leave room will incur an additional cost.
  • Late checkouts may be available by arrangement, but may incur additional fees
  • Guests may need to present the credit card used to make the reservation 
  • Guests may need to provide a third-party authorization form if they used a different card to make the reservation 
  • Hotel will pre-authorize a guest’s credit card $100 for incidental damage upon checkin. This temporary authorization will drop off in 3-5 business days. If damage is found, guest will be contacted directly to determine a course of action based on the amount of damage found.
Other policies
  • Guests may be liable for damage or vandalism to the hotel’s property or room 
  • Guests are not be allowed to smoke in the hotel
  • Guests may be denied entry or have their reservation canceled if they don’t meet certain requirements